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Individual & Couples Therapy for Infertility
It’s difficult to describe that moment in the doctor’s office when couples are told that they should seek help for infertility. What started as a hopeful and fun journey is now filled with appointments, tests & unknowns.
The emotional stress of infertility is intense. Often, partners are dealing with different emotions and communication is difficult.
It’s important to have a place to say everything you can’t say to friends or family. To talk about the careless comment someone made that hurt deeply, and to find a way to feel less stuck. Couples are making difficult decisions about treatment, and they often disagree about the next steps to take. In therapy, couples talk about the difficult emotions involved with infertility, they learn to listen carefully to one another. They work on staying connected through a very difficult time and feeling like a team as they face scary procedures and the unknowns of infertility.
In therapy, we develop tools to reduce anxiety. Sometimes, this means becoming aware of harmful thinking patterns and developing more self-compassion and understanding of the many emotions people are feeling.
We also work on lifestyle changes that have been shown to reduce stress. We practice various tools to reduces stress in the body, like breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. Some people find that EMDR is helpful to process painful emotions and reduce stress.
Whether it means more self-care or replacing self-criticism and worry with self-compassion, we find ways to feel calmer and more hopeful.